Spring 2024 Newsletter

Welcome Spring 2024

We are glad to welcome in spring of 2024. We look forward to a full and busy year with new historical markers, exciting events and starting work on our new major exhibit space. To kick off the spring in grand style, at our last meeting, we celebrated the 90th birthday of Donnie O’Connor who is one of our founding members and a great advocate for HSWP and the town. Happy 90th, Donnie!

James M. Dopp

We were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Jim Dopp. Jim was very involved in the early days of HSWP and served as our President for two years. Here is a link to his obituary: https://www.vincentfh.com/obituaries/James-Dopp/#!/Obituary
Jim will be missed. Rest in Peace.


June 6, 2024 will mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day. One of our members, William Casterline, has been doing a great deal of research on West Point and King William men that were involved in D-Day. He is compiling all of the information into a book. There are also some ongoing talks about holding a special local event to honor these heroes. So far, he has identified and researched six locals who were involved: Melvin Rosson, Robert Moskalski, Roger Brooks, George Moskalski, Joseph O’Connor  and Clarence Major. Please let us know  If you have any information on these or others. contact@hswpva.org 

Untold Tales

We will soon be emailing another chapter of The Untold Tales of Old West Point by Bill Palmer. These will go out to all members of HSWP. If you are not a member, then join up or if you have not renewed for 2024, please do. That way you do not miss any of these great stories. 

HSWP 2024 Board Members

During the February meeting of the board of directors of HSWP, the 2024 officers and board were named and approved.
President, Edwin Malechek;
Vice President, Sandra Willis;
Vice President and Treasurer, Terry Hall;
Secretary, Levi Jones.

Elected to the board were Debbie Ball, Ty Bland, Jill Dalton, Sam Drewry, Karena Funkhouser, Katie Gibson, Richard Hosfield, Donald O’Connor, Dale Seward, and Jim Vadas. Honorary board members are Avie Williams and Howard Hilton. 

Historical Markers

Our historic sign installation program is ongoing. We will soon be installing 6 signs based on the help and support of the Rotary Club of West Point. We hope to have these completed and installed within 90 days. Stay tuned. Also, we are planning 5-6 more historic markers to include one at the site of the old Port Richmond School (Not the Catholic School). Here is a picture from the 1940’s. We are looking for additional pictures and any other information about this school. 


West Point once had a major shipyard. This is a picture of the R. L. Newman being launched in 1919. It was a cargo ship built in West Point (Port Richmond on the Mattaponi). The York River Ship Building Corporation was part of a government effort in WWI to increase shipbuilding. A second ship was nearing completion when the war ended. The unfinished ship was left in place and many of the Port Richmond kids of the 1920’s explored the hulk as it rotted.

Major Building Project

We are well under way with our major fundraising campaign in order to turn the “shed” behind our museum into exhibit space. Our plans are to refurbish and expand the current shed so that it will hold and display the old West Point fire pumper, the antique Model T truck from the Chelsea plantation, and several other large items that we now have in storage. Please become a member (or renew by submitting your 2024 dues) and please donate whatever you can to help us build a home for these pieces of West Point history.